10 Life Hacks You Need for Your PhD Journey

It’s been a long road from my first Computer Science class in 7th grade to the day I walked across the stage as Dr. Jessica N. Jones. Along the way, I’ve collected advice and lessons from mentors and colleagues that have been helpful to me. I’d like to share these little life hacks with all my Sistas in STEM, no matter where they are in their educational journey.

  1. Investigate your skills and your passions: Spend time learning more about yourself to find your purpose. It will help guide your career and your life.
  2. Speak highly of yourself: (No, it’s not bragging.) Identify what you’re good at and practice speaking confidently about it.
  3. Embrace the power of a theme song: No matter how righteous or ratchet, find a song that motivates you or fills you with confidence. Play it in your head as you enter places or situations that make you uneasy.
  4. Build and rely on your STEM support system: Other people in STEM know the rigors and pressures that come from being in STEM. Find a support system (like Sistas in STEM!) with whom you can share ideas, vent, or find encouragement.
  5. Remove “just” and “only” from your vocabulary when discussing yourself and your work: These words minimize you and all the amazing things that you accomplish. You want your ideas, hard work and research to be respected – not downplayed.
  6. Find your “battery” and plug in: Find the people, places, and things that get you recharged. Then, take the time to build yourself up mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
  7. Utilize your mentors: Your mentors can be any age, race, gender, or discipline; but try to have at least one in your field. Ask them questions and get their advice. It’s always easier to have someone guide you along the way.
  8. Make time for the “turn up” (whatever that means to you): All too often, many people view scientists and engineers as always serious and in the lab or at their computer writing code. Ignore that. Make time to have fun! Laugh! Enjoy yourself! Not doing so can lead to a burnout.
  9. Ignore imposter syndrome: That little voice inside your head that tells you that you’re not smart enough or that you don’t belong is lying. You’re more than good enough. You belong. You’re valued. You can do it, Sis!
  10. Learn to say no: There are times when we want to fix every problem, help everyone who asks and volunteer for every activity – but you just can’t. Prioritize you and the things that will benefit your dreams. Remember that an opportunity that’s good, may not be good “right now”.

Hope this helped! Best of luck Sistas!

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