Books Inspiring Change: The Energy Within Us

This past week I had the pleasure of spending a couple days at the AABE (American Association of Blacks in Energy) Conference in Indianapolis, IN. Every year the organization brings together Black professionals from every level to discuss the energy industry and our roles within it. One of the panels featured 5 active and retired women who have excelled to some of the highest roles at their respective companies. Together, they wrote a book called “The Energy Within Us: an Illuminating Perspective from Five Trailblazers”.

In the book, the women share stories about the challenges they overcame to climb the corporate ladder. They each describe how they broke through both the glass ceiling and the “black ceiling” – the barricade blocking African Americans from reaching the top levels of corporate leadership.

Joyce Hayes Giles, Carolyn Green, Rose McKinney-James, Hilda Pinnix-Ragland, and Telisa Toliver put their minds together to inspire the future businesswoman. Not only are they motivating with their words – they are supporting young Black women pursuing STEM careers. All of the proceeds from the book sales will go towards funding scholarships for students.

Every time their book is purchased a young girl’s future gets brighter!

Read more from the authors:

We have blazed new trails in the energy industry by shattering ceilings. However, much work remains. The low representation of women and people of color at the helm of corporate leadership requires a strong commitment to persevering past the many obstacles that can delay and derail a career.

That is why we convened on the pages of this book to show that, Yes, it can be done! We show it through: our own personal belief systems; networking with other women and people of color in our industry; receiving guidance from mentors; committing long hours to our jobs; relocating when opportunity knocked; pursuing our education and training to propel us on an upward trajectory in our field; and celebrating the successes as they come.

Very importantly, we have demonstrated a commitment throughout our careers–and now into retirement for some of us–to reaching back to mentor others so they can follow the paths that we have blazed into uncharted territory for women and people of color in corporate America.

The Energy Within Us: An Illuminating Perspective from Five Trailblazers

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