Looking for a Career in Energy? You Should Be.

If you’ve never considered a career in energy then you definitely should! You’ve probably learned a little about the large companies leading in oil and gas (petroleum industry), but there’s much more to the energy sector. Think of every way that we consume energy… water, natural gas, electric power, coal, nuclear, and renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.). There’s several companies dedicated to maintaining and operating each source, so they can deliver the energy straight to you.

Trust me, it’s no easy feat. Engineers, businesswomen, scientists, techies, and much more are all needed to get the job done. The utilities industry (power + gas + water) is constantly growing. They’re seeking out young professionals to join their team as more baby boomers start to head toward retirement. Energy companies work hard to stay ahead of the curve and in compliance with each new law that is passed. New laws lead to new projects which create new opportunities for YOU!

Recently, Dominion Energy announced their upcoming student conference taking place October 2019 in Richmond, VA. This all-expense paid experience will expose students to careers in energy and the opportunity to be hired for a summer internship. All you need to do is apply! They specified that they’re looking for more women and minority applicants, so you won’t want to miss this one Sis! Read more of the conference information below:

*This post is NOT sponsored.

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