Once you step foot into someone’s neutral, static, and predictable environment (a.k.a. “Your New Workplace”), you disrupt their world. You shift the norm for all those that were there before you, and many questions may formulate around your existence. Faced with the challenges that come along with any new role, a sense of doubt creeps into your mind. But not to worry! Those are just spaces to fill with goodness. In this transition into your career, it is important to prove yourself, earn respect, and show that you are qualified.
Let’s be clear, I'm not saying that the first step into the door should resemble a great roaring thunder under the smack of your 6 inch heels. There are subtle ways to show-off your presence and earn the trust of the team. These additions to your work lifestyle will build the confidence that you need to shine bright and excel over and over again.
There are two audiences that you must display your qualification to. The first of these, and my personal favorite, is yourself! Building confidence is a wonderful and healthy exercise that can help you reach heights that were once unimaginable. One of the best ways to show yourself that you are qualified requires a slight use of mindfulness.
mind·ful·ness (noun)
the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something
Get in tune with your workflow and take notice in the things that have results that are in your favor. When you reach a grand achievement, make a note of it, and really give yourself that mental pat on the back. Take notice of the small achievements too; let each accomplishment stack one on top of the other.
Sometimes I like to write a to-do list for my day and as I complete tasks, I mark a big [DONE!] to the side of it. Man, it sure does feel great at the end of the day to see all those items marked off. It stimulates my mind visually and helps me keep tabs of my productivity. Double confidence booster! Little reminders from yourself to yourself help keep you on the right track. It’s a great start to building the confidence you need to overcome your self-doubt and stop feeling that “impostor syndrome”.
Now’s your chance to show everyone else just how qualified you are. All of your team members, your managers, even your coworkers that you haven’t worked on a project with yet - everyone. It's important to build a good reputation anywhere you go because it will travel a lot further and quicker than you can. Being consistent is the easiest way to earn respect and show others who you really are. What kind of things should remain consistent, you ask?
· Keeping a positive work attitude - DONE!;
· Completing your tasks in a timely manner - DONE!;
· Your amazing personality - DONE!
Simple, right? Let's get into personality a little, because I find that as women of color, we can sometimes be victims of some hardcore code-switching.
code-switch·ing (verb)
Shifting the way you express yourself to match the environment you're in
The best way to keep your personality consistent is to just be you! I get it... Sometimes we switch up because we’re concerned about how our culture will be interpreted by others. Regardless of their conscious or unconscious bias, people will learn the person you are from what you show. Not only do you get to reveal your amazing personality, but it’ll feel great because you’re staying true to your authentic self. Just imagine, you can open doors for others to appreciate your differences, rely on your strengths, and understand what value diversity can bring to the team.
Beginning your career is by no means a small or easy feat. Start off on the right track by erasing your doubts and becoming confident in your capabilities. As you grow in your new role you’ll see more of what you can do, and others will take notice. Your performance will do all the talking, and you won’t even question your qualifications. So stand tall and remember that a little confidence in what you already have can go a long way towards the places you want to be.
Keep making your masterpiece, SIS!
Written By Michelle Warren
Edited By Brittany AJ Miriki

Michelle Warren
Michelle is an electrical engineer from the Communications & Sensing Technologies (CaST) group of Boeing Research & Technology in Seattle, WA. She has a passion for learning and teaching, with a life goal of becoming an engineering professor and renowned researcher in Artificial Intelligence. Michelle graduated from Howard University with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in May 2016.