Welcome to Sistas in STEM

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Sistas in STEM website!


Sistas in STEM (SIS) was started by a few friends as an organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2015. Now, it’s expanding it to be an online community and resource for women of color to share stories about their experiences, learn about prominent women in the field, and engage in opportunities for STEM outreach. Overall, our goal is to empower women in their daily lives and their passion for STEM.

SIS wants to tell the story that most don't get to hear. When a person pictures a leader in STEM the achievements of outstanding women of color are completely overlooked. Without this representation young girls of color lack STEM role models and often don't picture themselves in those fields. Sistas in STEM is here to reinforce a positive image of minority female professionals and provide a deeper insight into the various areas of STEM to bridge that gap.

SIS will bring you the real stories from our Sistas, plus life and industry advice from women all over. So, take a look around, and comment to let us know what you think. If you know someone that should be featured on the site or you want to write an article, email heySIS@sistasinstem.org.

Join the #SISMovement by spreading the word and following us on social media for all the latest updates!

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